How To Swim For Triathlon Open Water?

Triathlon Open Water

Swimming in open water for a triathlon requires specific techniques and strategies compared to pool swimming. Here are some tips to help you prepare and perform well in an open-water swim:

Triathlon open water swim

Triathlon open water swim


1. Practice in Open Water: If possible, practice swimming in lakes, rivers, or the ocean. This helps you get used to the conditions you'll face on race day, such as waves, currents, and varying temperatures.

2. Simulate Race Conditions: Practice swimming in your wetsuit (if allowed in your race) and in a group to simulate the crowded conditions of a race start.

3. Work on Sighting: Learn to lift your head periodically to spot buoys and stay on course. Practice this during your training to make it a habit.

4. Drafting: Swimming behind or beside another swimmer can save energy. Practice drafting during your open water swims to get comfortable with the technique.

5. Develop Endurance: Ensure you have the stamina for the triathlon swim leg by incorporating long-distance swims into your training routine.


1. Breathing: Practice bilateral breathing (breathing on both sides) to help you adapt to waves and to spot buoys more easily.

2. Body Position: Maintain a streamlined body position to reduce drag. Keep your head low when sighting to minimize resistance.

3. Efficient Stroke: Focus on a smooth and efficient freestyle stroke. Keep your arm movements wide to avoid hitting other swimmers.

4. Kicking: Use a steady, gentle kick to conserve energy for the bike and run legs of the triathlon. Over-kicking can tire you out quickly.

 Race Day Preparation

1. Warm-Up: Do a short warm-up swim before the race to get used to the water temperature and conditions.

2. Start Position: Position yourself strategically at the start. If you're a strong swimmer, start at the front. If you need more confidence, start at the sides or back to avoid the initial congestion.

3. Stay Calm: The start of an open water swim can be chaotic. Stay calm and focused. If you feel overwhelmed, switch to a breaststroke or backstroke for a moment to catch your breath.

4. Hydration and Nutrition: Stay hydrated and fuel your body properly before the race. Dehydration can affect your performance, even during the swim.

5. Know the Course: Familiarize yourself with the swim course, including the location of buoys and any potential hazards.

 Mental Preparation

1. Visualize Success: Visualize yourself swimming smoothly and confidently through the entire swim leg.

2. Positive Self-Talk: Use positive affirmations to boost your confidence. Remind yourself of your training and abilities.

3. Stay Focused: Concentrate on your technique and race strategy. Don’t get distracted by other swimmers or unexpected conditions.

Dive into Excellence with RTA Triathlon Open Water Swim Training – Elevate Your Performance Today!


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